Credit: National Weather Service

What's at stake:

Extreme heat and prolonged exposure to high heat can be detrimental to your health. Wednesday will be the sixth consecutive day over 100 degrees in Fresno.

Fresno is likely to see it’s hottest heat wave so far this year with scorching temperatures forecast to reach 112 degrees or more for the next week.

The National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning that will be in effect until 8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 9.

Local medical experts are warning that extended periods of daily high temperatures over 90 degrees, let alone over 100 degrees, can be dangerous and can make it difficult for a person to regulate their body temperature.  

“The longer the heatwave goes on, or the longer the temperature remains high, each successive day that people are exposed to this, their defenses wane,” said Dr. Jesus Rodriguez, a family medicine specialist with Kaiser Permanente in Fresno. 

Heatstroke, which is the most serious acute heat-related illness, can lead to death if not treated quickly, said Dr. Rais Vohra, public health officer for Fresno County. Heat stroke can be caused by overheating due to prolonged exposure to heat or overexertion in high heat.

“(Heatstroke) usually means the person has unstable vital signs,” Vohra said. “They need to go to the ICU, and have critical care performed right away.” 

However, less severe heat related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion or heat cramps can also lead to emergency room visits. 

Here are symptoms to look out for according to the Center for Disease Control:

  • Heat exhaustion symptoms include heavy sweating, fast and weak pulse, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, tiredness, dizziness, headache, or loss of consciousness. 
  • Heat stroke symptoms include high body temperature, dizziness, nausea, confusion, loss of consciousness, fast and strong pulse, and hot, red, dry or damp skin. 
  • Heat cramps can appear as heavy sweating during exercise and muscle pain or spasms. 
  • Heat rash symptoms include red clusters of small blisters, typically in the neck, chest, groin or elbow regions. 

Dr. Rodriguez said that people with disabilities or pre-existing conditions, people who work outdoors, as well as children and the elderly are at a higher risk of experiencing heat related illnesses.

A list of symptoms and what to do when experiencing common heat-related illnesses, according to the Center for Disease Control. Courtesy of the Center for Disease Control.

What to do if you are experiencing heat-related symptoms

If you are experiencing mild symptoms, such as light headaches, mild dizziness, or tiredness, here are some tips from Dr. Rodriguez to cool yourself down:

  • If you are outside, get to a shaded area. 
  • Avoid overexertion or exercising during the hottest parts of the day, if possible. 
  • If you have access to water and a fan, wet your clothes down and stand in front of the fan.
  • Cool down by putting ice or a cold towel on your neck, armpits or groin regions. There is a lot of blood flow in these areas which can help you cool down more quickly. 
  • Drink a lot of water. 
  • Replenish your electrolytes with low-sugar drinks. 
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol if you are in the sun. 
  • If you’re working outside, take regular breaks out of the sun. 

Additional tips can be found at 

Rodriguez said heat-related deaths are “totally preventable” if people know what to look out for, have access to cool or shady spaces, water and can take breaks if they are working outdoors. 

He stressed the importance of drinking water, adding that people who “start off the day a little dehydrated are already in danger.”

People who live and work in air conditioned areas should be drinking about 64 ounces of water per day, he said, while those that live and work in hot conditions should drink eight to 12 ounces of water, each hour they are in those conditions. People who are sweating profusely should also try to replace electrolytes. 

Feeling confused, extremely dizzy, incoherent, disoriented or extremely nauseous, Rodriguez said, are signs to call 911.

“The more people know about these things I think, the more people we can save,” he said. “Sometimes it’s just a matter of having a fan and having enough water.”

Cooling centers in Fresno

The city of Fresno has four cooling centers which operate on days when temperatures are forecast to reach 105 degrees or higher. 

FAX buses will transport people along regularly scheduled bus routes to and from the cooling centers for free on days when the cooling centers are open. Pets on leash are allowed at the cooling centers. 

Location of the cooling centers:

  • Frank H. Ball Community Center, 760 Mayor Ave.
  • Mosqueda Community Center, 4670 E Butler Ave.
  • Pinedale Community Center, 7170 N San Pablo Ave.
  • Ted C .Wills Community Center, 770 N San Pablo Ave.

Free, public pools are available at the Frank H. Ball, Mosqueda Center and Pinedale Community Center on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The city of Fresno offers 14 additional community centers that are free and open to the public at least five days a week from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Several centers also open on weekends; however, free bus rides are not offered and pets are not allowed indoors at the following locations:

  • Dickey Youth Development Center, 1515 E. Divisadero St.
  • Einstein Neighborhood Center, 3566 E. Dakota Ave.
  • Fink-White Neighborhood Center, 535 S. Trinity St.
  • Highway City Neighborhood Center, 5140 N. State St.
  • Lafayette Neighborhood Center, 1516 E. Princeton Ave.
  • Mary Ella Brown Community Center, 1350 E. Annadale Ave.
  • Melody Neighborhood Center, 5935 E. Shields Ave.
  • Quigley Neighborhood Center, 808 W. Dakota Ave.
  • Sunset Neighborhood Center, 1345 W. Eden Ave.
  • Inspiration Park, 5770 W Gettysburg Ave.
  • El Dorado Neighborhood Center, 1343 E. Barstow Ave.
  • Maxie L. Parks Community Center, 1802 E California Ave.
  • Holmes Neighborhood Center, 212 S. First St.
  • Romain Neighborhood Center, 745 N. First St.

A shareable version of the guide to cooling centers can be found below.

This summer, with funding from the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism, Fresnoland is taking a deeper dive into the toll heat takes on health. Stay tuned for more on how heat is impacting vulnerable communities and what can be done. 

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Cassandra is a housing and engagement reporter with Fresnoland.