Have you reported issues to your landlord or the city code enforcement that have gone unrepaired? Have you faced rent hikes or received eviction notices after reporting issues to your landlord or code enforcement? Do you fear retaliation for reporting violations?

We want to know.

A recent Fresno Bee investigation of one apartment complex in Fresno and code enforcement’s response found that tenants were living in dilapidated housing. Some tenants feared retaliation, so they didn’t report issues; others reported and received slow response from the city. Many repairs that were made were temporary fixes that led to reoccurring habitability issues like hot water shutoffs.

The Manchester Arms apartment complex owned by Joel Gutierrez only makes up 41 of the 85,000 rental units in the city of Fresno. We want to hear from other renters about their experience living and renting in Fresno. We want to know what renters think needs to change and what could help.

Please share your story in the survey below. This survey is a part of The Fresno Bee’s reporting on the state of rental housing in the city of Fresno.

The information you share will be used to inform our reporting; however, no identifying information will be published without your permission.

If you have any questions or want to speak directly to a reporter or to share your photos and documents of your experience, please call or text Cassandra Garibay, Fresnoland’s housing reporter, at 559-441-6004 or email her at cgaribay@fresnobee.com.

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